When you start to have issues with doors and windows sticking or not latching, floors going out of level, tiles popping loose, and similar issues, there’s a good chance that you need foundation repair and stabilization for your Rochester home. But what is it, why is it important, and why should you have it addressed sooner rather than later?

What is Foundation Repair and Stabilization?
Let’s start by looking at what your foundation does for your home. Imagine trying to stand on dry sand on your tiptoes. You’d sink in, because your weight isn’t distributed over a wide enough area. Your home’s foundation acts like your feet on the beach – it spreads out the weight over a larger area so that your home doesn’t sink into the earth.
There can be a wide range of reasons why your home’s foundation is sinking and needs to be stabilized. It could be that your foundation wasn’t sufficiently wide to bear the weight of your home in the first place. Changes in groundwater paths can weaken the ability of the soil to bear the weight of your home in places. Flooding can erode the areas around your home’s foundation, allowing walls to bow.
Whatever the cause, the lack of stability underneath the foundation can cause your foundation walls to begin to sink into the earth. This leaves the areas above it susceptible to movement, such as springy floors, doorways that have sunk out of alignment and either bind up or don’t latch, or uneven floors. If these issues continue, it can cause long-term issues with your home’s overall stability.
Foundation repair lifts or secures the area that is causing the problem, and the foundation walls are then stabilized to prevent further movement in the future. This allows your home to return to a level where the weight of the house is being evenly distributed across your entire foundation again. In many cases, waterproofing and drainage problems are addressed to prevent similar problems down the road.
By taking the time to assess your sinking foundation, and getting foundation repair and stabilization for your Rochester home, you can ensure that your investment in your home or business is safe. If you have concerns about the stability of your foundation or need repairs done to get your structure back to normal, the experienced professionals at Storm Basement Waterproofing can help. Why not give us a call today to see how we can help you?