Do you suspect water issues in your basement? With water being the most prevalent cause of costly basement problems, identifying signs of water-related damage is essential for preventing problems from becoming worse over time. Here are some of the most common basement water damage signs that affect Rochester homeowners:

Sinking or uneven flooring
A sinking or uneven basement floor can indicate shrinkage underneath your foundation, which can quickly result in water build-up and structural problems. If your basement floor has been affected in any way, water will continue to enter and cause a sinking foundation. Not only is this detrimental to your home’s foundation but will result in enormous amounts of water seeping into your basement. It’s best to have a professional waterproofing expert uncover the cause and determine if foundation repair is required.
Mold and mildew
Basements are often frequent breeding grounds for mold and mildew build-up. The growth of mold or mildew can be a clear indicator of water in your basement, which may be causing a musty or offensive smell in your home. Mold is often visible through stains on drywall, carpeting, or furniture in your basement and can indicate water seeping into your basement, either from the foundation or wall cracks. Because basement mold can affect your home and health, it’s important to address the source of water immediately.
Puddles or standing water
Puddles or standing water can be a major sign of water entering your basement, often from a shower, sink, or toilet leak. Additionally, water from outside can enter your basement through cracks and window wells. A professional waterproofing expert can evaluate the source of water entry and recommend a drainage system solution to prevent more water from forming in your basement.
At Storm Basement Waterproofing, our waterproofing experts can easily identify any basement water damage signs in your Rochester home. To learn more about our repair services, please contact a member of our team at (585) 280-0802.