It starts out simply enough, with a sticking window or a light crack in the paint. However, foundation subsidence is a significant issue that needs to be addressed quickly and effectively. Beyond the obvious issues of the stability of your home, there are also health concerns that can occur if you don’t have your Rochester home’s foundation repaired soon. But what are these issues and what do they have to do with a few cracks in your basement walls?

Reduce Basement Mold Sources with Foundation Repair
If you’re wondering how a settling foundation in your Rochester home can lead to mold issues in your basement and related health concerns, it’s simple. Foundation settling creates cracks in your foundation walls, which allows moisture to enter into your basement. Though a sump pump will eventually remove water that moves down the slope into the sump drain, it can wet other surfaces that can lead to mold forming on those surfaces, as well as a damp, dank feel to your basement space.
In the same action, the water that is traveling into your basement can carry mold spores in the soil into your basement, as well as bacteria and other microorganisms. This can lead to a range of health issues, especially in individuals who have respiratory ailments such as asthma, emphysema, COPD, and similar issues.
Beyond mold, bacteria can lead to a range of health problems. The same cracks that admit these pathogens into your basement can also allow radon into your basement. If you have a radon remediation system in your basement, it may not work effectively without your foundation being repaired and work done to seal the cracks that have formed.
By taking time to have your foundation repaired, you can ensure that you and your loved ones can avoid the health problems that can arise. If you’re considering foundation repair for your Rochester home you want to make sure the firm you work with has the best-quality materials, serious experience, and understanding of the area. At Storm Basement Waterproofing, our team is second to none, and our high-quality materials deliver strong results. Take a minute or two to contact us and discover how we can fix your foundation issues.